Tv Series: Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan – Season 1 Episode 8 (Download Mp4) (Finale)
As Myles and Yasmine sort out the truth behind a lie that spun out control, Dylan helps them plan payback on Rebecca before she gets […]
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Tyler Perry
As Myles and Yasmine sort out the truth behind a lie that spun out control, Dylan helps them plan payback on Rebecca before she gets […]
After failing to get approval to go to the school dance, Rebecca tells her date that she can’t go because her grandmother has died, a […]
The kids help Myles plan Yasmine’s big dinner at the house for her boss. While Myles struggles to write a speech in honor of his […]
On his first day at school, Dylan starts a classroom protest over having to wear uniforms.Type: Tv SeriesDOWNLOAD VIDEO (63MB)
Dylan doesn’t want to attend school, and does whatever it takes to avoid going, including convincing little Charlie not to go, either.Type: Tv SeriesDOWNLOAD VIDEO (65MB)
Dylan has trouble adjusting to the Wilson family’s rules, leading to confrontation with his uncle that makes him feel unwanted.Type: Tv SeriesDOWNLOAD VIDEO (63MB)